Thursday, June 3, 2010

Froggy Froggy

During one of the animal theme lesson; I was lucky to have caught a frog for the children study the frog up-close. It was only two days ago; I read a book about FROG... features of frog ... big goggling eyes, webbed feet, slimy skin, wide mouth, etc, frog moves, etc

Now, the children can look at the frog in front of them and don't have to imagine what is webbed feet, what is big goggling eyes, wide mouth, slimy skin and those things that we learnt from the book. And the frog was resting and also look back at the children :)

"Let's see what will happen; if I add in some water"; I said. Jolin reminded me "Not too much water" (I think she's worry that I may drown the frog).

So I poured in some water into the container. The frog began to swim. Now, the children can see the webbed feet clearly.

Another child requested for me to add in more water to see what will happen. went the water. Nothing happen. The frog just continued to swim; but at times the frog will rest with two hind legs stretching out. The children could see the difference that the frog resting in dry environment (refer the first picture) and in water (the picture below).

So much to learn from this simple observation. Interesting isn't it?

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