Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Building bird nest

"Let's build a bird nest!" the children exclaimed.

We talked about what are required to build a bird nest... ideas poured in.... twigs, dry leaves, grass, etc.

So, the children set to build a bird nest.

First, let's put everything in a circle. It's done! Try to lift it up. Oops! everything fell apart.

Never give up. That's the spirit. Let's try again. Failed. Let's try again.

This time round with a more stable base; they managed to lift up the nest.

However, that was not long before it fell apart again. Time is running out...about time to go home. So, we will try again next week.

Through repeatedly failed bird nest, the children learned that ...
  • building a bird nest is indeed very difficult. Birds must have gone through a lot to build a nest. So, they promised help protect bird nest
  • we need something to stick the nest together. We will think of something sticky to build the nest next week.

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