Monday, May 31, 2010

How to keep your room neat & tidy?

One of our moral lessons is on keeping our room neat & tidy.

We acted to mess up the room after playing with toys and leave the blanket as it is. Then I asked the children; "Do you like your room to look this messy?" All of them firmly and loudly said "No."

Then I asked "When you wake up, do u fold your blanket?" One by one started to tell story that my kakak will do it; my mummy will do it, I don't need blanket when I sleep, etc. etc. All kinds of stories except of saying "I never fold my blanket."

Come to the interesting part; "Who wants to learn to fold blanket?" You will be surprise that all of them love to do it. They took turn to fold the blanket again and again and again.

They also pretended to play toys and mess up the room then rearrange everything back in order again.

I asked the children whether will they keep their own room neat and tidy like what they were doing? They said they will. I only hope that they get the chance to practise what they want to do.

Flowers have scent

We've learnt about plants in our previous theme but I took the opportunity to teach the children that some flowers have scent when Chen Nee brought roses for everybody.

The children were told to sniff the roses and explain what do they smell. Some just said "Got smell" while some said "I like the smell", "Nice smell".

Simple descriptions but they can describe. Clever aren't they.

Since, they have learnt about smooth and rough, soft and hard. I asked them to feel the petals of the roses. Then I asked them to tell me whether the rose is smooth or rough or soft or hard? Guess what? They can pick the right words to describe the petals...they are smooth and soft. (Please be reminded that English is not their home language). I am so proud of them....they have learnt and understand so many adjectives.

Just working on the roses; I've managed to learn that they are sure of many adjectives - smooth, rough, soft, hard, nice, short, pink, green.

Note: the stem was short...yeap..they noticed that too. Chen Nee had to explain that her mum cut them and remove all thorns.

The girls paying full attention to what their friend got to say about the rose.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Building bird nest

"Let's build a bird nest!" the children exclaimed.

We talked about what are required to build a bird nest... ideas poured in.... twigs, dry leaves, grass, etc.

So, the children set to build a bird nest.

First, let's put everything in a circle. It's done! Try to lift it up. Oops! everything fell apart.

Never give up. That's the spirit. Let's try again. Failed. Let's try again.

This time round with a more stable base; they managed to lift up the nest.

However, that was not long before it fell apart again. Time is running out...about time to go home. So, we will try again next week.

Through repeatedly failed bird nest, the children learned that ...
  • building a bird nest is indeed very difficult. Birds must have gone through a lot to build a nest. So, they promised help protect bird nest
  • we need something to stick the nest together. We will think of something sticky to build the nest next week.

Teacher-students look alike

Teacher Celine said that we will win the Teacher-Students Look Alike Contest.

Do you think we will?

We had a good laugh over it.

Cheers everybody!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Treasure Hunt by the children for the children

I love to see the children's initiative to come up with interesting activity for each other.

Yvonne and Shawn decided to hide some of sand play apparatus (knowing that the next day is sand play day).

The map was prepared by Shawn. It has instructions and pictures to guide the treasure hunters.

I was given the responsibility to pass this scroll of treasure hunt map to the children the next morning.

The map was very clear that the children found those hidden treasure in no time. And most important is they enjoyed themselves although it is just a simple treasure hunt.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Music and movement time - the children just love that period as they can let down their hair and dance to the music.