Thursday, April 15, 2010

Theme on Plants

We had a few activities related to our theme "Plants":
  • visited a small farming area nearby the tadika
  • naming part of plant
  • planted mung beans under different condition - with water but in darkness, with water under sunlight; without water under sunlight
  • planted tomato, french bean and papaya

In the small farm, we saw lady fingers, young banana tree, young rambutan tree, young jambu air tree, pandan and also weeds like lallang and semalu.

"See, I can make the leaves close up!"

Do you know what plant are they talking about?

Yeah! It is semalu.

Yvonne checking out parts of the lady fingers plant.

The children discovered that
  • some plants do not have certain part like pandan has no stem and no flower
  • some stems are soft like the banana tree, some are hard like the hibiscus
Yvonne confirming that pandan has no stem; while the other children look on.

This stem is soft.

Planting mung beans.
Hui Yi carefully arranged the mung beans into the container. See...children can be very careful too.

Jolin stretched out her hand with her mung bean.

Teacher: What are you doing, Jolin?

Jolin: need sunlight.

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