Sunday, April 11, 2010

Frog babies are so small

While playing in the field, we noticed black insects hopping around. We decided to check out what insect is that. Surprise! they are froglets (already without tails) . Then we saw another 3 more froglets leaping around.

Then I used a plastic container to let the froglets leap in, so that the children can get a closer look at the froglets.

The children were fascinated with the froglets.

We learned that:
1. froglets are very small
2. froglets look like the adult frog (unlike tadpoles)
3. froglets can leap high
4. when in the container, the froglets stayed close to the side and do not leap

After taking a good look at those froglets, we let them go into the drain.

Last Friday, we found a dead froglet in the school's compound. The children started discussing what caused the froglet to die.
Isn't it interesting that this simple discovery can lead them to more thinking, questions and discussion. I love it when they are so spontaneous with their questions and discussion.

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