The children were told to sniff the roses and explain what do they smell. Some just said "Got smell" while some said "I like the smell", "Nice smell".
Simple descriptions but they can describe. Clever aren't they.
Since, they have learnt about smooth and rough, soft and hard. I asked them to feel the petals of the roses. Then I asked them to tell me whether the rose is smooth or rough or soft or hard? Guess what? They can pick the right words to describe the petals...they are smooth and soft. (Please be reminded that English is not their home language). I am so proud of them....they have learnt and understand so many adjectives.
Just working on the roses; I've managed to learn that they are sure of many adjectives - smooth, rough, soft, hard, nice, short, pink, green.
Note: the stem was short...yeap..they noticed that too. Chen Nee had to explain that her mum cut them and remove all thorns.
The girls paying full attention to what their friend got to say about the rose.
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