Look, how busy each child was ...with the play dough.
From this simple play dough activity, I observed that the children:
1. do have long attention span as long as the activity interest them
2. can work independently and cooperatively at the same time
3. can create their own thing on their own and each creation from the dough is unique
4. are using a lot of their fine motor skill
5. are careful (when handling their creation)
6. are patient to wait for their turn to share any limited resources
BTW, just to share with you the recipe I used to make the play dough
Cooked Play Dough
9 cups of flour
3 cups of salt
10 tsps of cream of tartar
9 cups of water
9 tbsps of oil
food colouring (red, blue, yellow)
1. Mix flour, salt and cream of tartar into a wok
2. Blend water and oil together in a bowl
3. Add the mixture of water & oil slowly into the wok and cook over medium fire heat. Stir constantly.
4. When its thicken, it is ready.
I split the cooked dough into 3 portions so that I can use the three primary colours. With the three primary colours; the children will get to experience the change in colour if they mix two different colour doughs together.
4. Add several drops of food colouring and knead the dough. Add more coloring until you get the right colour as you knead the dough.
This play dough is very soft, smooth and nice to use. It is not sticky and can be cleaned up easily. Keep the dough in air tight container and store them in the fridge. It will last for quite some time.
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