Friday, November 30, 2012

Indian Wedding Play

The Indian Wedding Play was a very interesting experience for all of us as it is our first experience of Indian Wedding.  Most of the things on Indian Wedding were brought in by our Indian teachers.

We even have the Indian wedding music.  It was an awesome experience for everyone.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

2012 Graduation concert

Before the concert, we had the children prepared and decorated the programme sheet for the audience.
We had our concert in Hy Tien Lo Restaurant in Klang. Although, there were glitches with the lightings, song played and audio system but we had fun watching the children doing their best for the concert.

Our normal practice takes about 1.5 to 2 hours but during the concert ... the children were extremely well behaved and we finished all the performances in an hour ++.  Thanks to the parents for helping dressing the children, makeup, managing the children and all....or else I bet it will not be that smooth and fast.

The most hilarious event during the concert is that the 4-years old performers has to be reduced to 3 instead   of some begun to cry when they see the big crowd.  Kesian.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Block play: Fashion Show

Jolin's and CCN's idea of fashion show stage.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We're Going to a Deer Park

We're going to a deer park.
We're going to feed a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.

Uh-uh!  Bread.
We forgot the bread.

Oh yes!
We've got to make some twisters in the Domino.
Making twisters
We need to packet them neatly.
We're going to a deer park.
We're going to feed a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.

Uh-uh! We're a bit scared now.
Don't worry.  Let's go to the National Monument to collect COURAGE.

Oh yes!
We've got our COURAGE now.

We're going to a deer park.
We're going to feed a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.

Hhhh  Hhhhh Hhhhhh Hhhhhh!
We walk a long way to the farm.
What are those?

Some with spots!
Some with antlers!
They are tame!
They are DEERS!

See I told you ...these children are BRAVE and ENERGETIC!

Let's bestow them with 'Pingat Penereka Ceria yang Berani'
Off we go to Istana Negara!

It was a wonderful trip on a beautiful clear sky day!

Note: Friends in ECE, if you need an organizer to organize trips for your school, check out this website...
They are my trusted trip organizer.

Friday, May 25, 2012

What is good manner?

These are what the children said about good manners:
THE (5) - don't buy the same shirt with others.  Others don't like. 
SGEY (4)  - go to people's house, buy something.
NXY (6) - When the host that you visit serve you tea, say 'Thank you'
JT (6) - When people do homework, don't disturb
TYH (4) - When go home, take the dirty clothes into the laundry basket. Noym need to wait for mummy to do.
FJW (5) - When eating, don't talk.
LYZ (4) - when meet teacher, greet the teacher.
FJY (5) - go to school to study not to disturb friends.
LPJ (5) - before go to bed, say 'Good Night' to daddy and mummy
CPS (5) - time for bed, don't talk or disturb others.
Jolin (6) - When I'm upstair and mummy is downstair; I'll go down to ask mummy for milk.  I'll not shout from upstairs.
FWE (5) - Don't fight or argue with friends.