Friday, December 23, 2011

When a tortoise ambles by...

A tortoise ambled by our school today....right in front our school gate. So, I did what I need to do... tangkap la.... oh ya...they have forgotten about the Christmas party with the presence of the tortoise.

Merry Christmas 2011

Although the children knew that the Santa Claus is Shawn; they were excited when Santa Claus walked out. They rushed to shake hands with Santa Claus.

Santa Claus distributing presents to the children & the children ho...ho...ho .....away after receiving Christmas presents.

The Christmas tree and Snowman that we made... in front of our little house.

Teacher Lai explaining to Jie Ying what is exchanging present. She refused to take that present because it is not hers.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A frog and many snails

Ben's mummy brought many snails for the children to explore.
We watched how the snails move...

  • We found out how strong the slimy body of snail is... when it sticks on leave, you can even lift it up by the leave...
  • We found out what makes the snail hide in its shell...
  • We found out that when the snails swim....they are like dancing gracefully...
  • Oh! not forgetting that the snails smelled yucky!

And a frog came by... as usual...the frog is put in the aquarium...and we had have many explorations with frog... so the frog was not the center of attraction...until the frog climb on the wall of the aquarium....they exclaimed..."Teacher...teacher...see the frog climb like spider"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Touching up the Christmas tree

The older children touching up the Christmas tree after the younger children.

There are still many white spots.

See...Jolin found one spot not painted yet.

Friday, December 9, 2011

3 little fish and the big bad shark

The children pay full attention to the puppet show of "3 little fish and the big bad shark

And finally the shark lost all his teeth and he can only eat seaweed now.

The end.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Round and round like a hamster

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hao Rong's creation of rocket ...

Friday, November 25, 2011

When the rain came down....

we have fun....... yeah

we played in the rain....

get ourselves dirty with mud... hooray!

Oh...mummies...don't worry...those are fake rain from the tap.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Making mud

"See...we make mud"

First event: Jun Hea & Chen Nee made mud with sand and water

Second event, Chen Nee realized she can make mud if the soil is wet. She exclaimed "Teacher, see mud"

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wedding play

We had fun playing wedding...from wedding car decoration, wedding proposal, wedding ceremony till "yum seng" time.

Take a look at how neat is the bride's room arrangement.
The bride touching up for dinner.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

2011 Graduation

The 2011 Graduation mini concert was a very successfully one with parents & teachers joining us for the finale dance of Macarena.

These children are great. They can do the soft (lenggang-lenggang) dance as well as twisting.

The graduates reciting their speech on their experience in school.

Parents & teachers joining in the finale of Macarena dance.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I can make an 'S'

"Wow! Jun Wei made an S" exclaimed Chen Nee. All the other children quickly came and crowd around Jun Wei and praised that the 'S' is very nice. That was the proud moment for Jun Wei that others are appreciating his creation with blocks.

Play - money goes around in a cycle

This is an interesting play that I watched.

1. This is a bus with free Wifi service & food is served during the journey

3. This is the restaurant that provide the food to the bus

3. This is the truck that carries vegetable for sale and provides vegetable to the restaurant.

I jumped at this teachable moment to teach them how money earned is spend and that money goes around in a cycle.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blocks play

All the children in this school love to play blocks. I've observed many of their creations and also I can see the differences in the creation by the boys and the girls.

The boys prefer to make an object with all details in it; for example Joe Weng created the boat and have details of propeller, deck, etc in the boat. As for the girls, they seem to work on bigger picture; for example Wei Enn & Jolin created a place with many people.
Am I right or not??? Well, it's true in Tadika Peneroka Ceria's environment.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mung bean plant

We managed to watch the whole cycle of mung beans being planted as a little bean right up to harvesting the bean.

21 Sept 2011 12 Oct 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Landscaping Design

The landscapers at work.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

We caught a monitor lizard

This is the lizard we caught.

We teased the lizard with string.

We touched it to feel the skin of the lizard.

We filled up water into the aquarium - to see the reaction of the lizard.

We tried feeding the lizard with grass, leaves, mosquitos, etc - but it is not eating.

Then we let it go.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fire drill

The fire fighting squad of Happy Explorers.

Our fire drill was like a fire safety workshop.

The children learned about:
- Stop, drop & roll
- stay low to crawl out if there's too much smoke
- opening padlock blindfolded
- crawl through tunnel
- climbing through obstacle
- basic usage of the fire extinguisher
- where can you see a fire hydrant
- what is the fire hydrant for?