Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Light & Shadow

First, the children peeped through a hole to guess the thing based on the shadow. Then they worked on their own experiments with the lighting to get shadows. Tested with bright area with lighting and dark area with lighting. So which condition let us see the shadow clearer - bright or dark?

Look at my lantern

The lantern that I made on my own. Beautiful isn't it?

It is perfect for tonight's mid-autumn festival.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jack and Jill Play

Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down & broke his crown & Jill came tumbling after.

The children took turns to play the characters in this nursery rhyme.

They did very well with their actions especially when Jack has to fall (all kinds of falling action they came out with)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rainy day

We started talking about rain a day before. Then we decided that we should work on the topic of rain. The children brought things that can protect them from rain....umbrellas and raincoat. We sang songs with 'rain' word; we discussed about wearing raincoat, how to hold an umbrella, the types of umbrella, the parts of umbrella, etc.

It's not real's fake. Teacher Celine, the rain-maker is the only one who got wet.

Creating wax papers to test and compare the absorption / resistance of material against water.

Time to conclude and explain their findings. Each child took turns to explain about the wax paper.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1Malaysia magicians in the making

The hard work is in making the hat. It took them about a week to finish the hat before all the great magicians can show off their talents. Watch out what the magician can pull out from his 1Malaysia top hat.

Camp Out Day

We started off with mountain climbing (konon la...actually climb up a chair & table) then crawled through a tunnel (under the table) to reach our camp site. It's not easy to crawl through the tunnel with a water-tumbler in your hand.

Reaching the camp site; we setup tents. Some of the chores the children need to do include
  • look for firewood
  • catch chickens for cooking
  • cut vegetable for cooking
  • setup fire
  • cooking
  • find water source to boil drinking water
  • boiling water
  • keep the camp site clean
  • they have to negotiate who should do the cooking and of course,
  • we have time to relax and makan

Now... its your turn to match the photos to the things we did.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Open Day

Everybody have fun! Even the volunteers joined in the fun.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Open Day on 4th September 2010

The fish changed

Before the children took their nap; this aquarium was filled with fish. However, when they woke up; I've replace the fish with shrimps.

Some of their funny comments when they saw the shrimps:
- What happen to the fish? (the innocent one ask)
- Teacher, the fish changed become lobsters (the clever one make conclusion)
- No, not lobsters; they are crabs (the cleverer one correct the clever one)

Teachers have hard time tahan ketawa....wak hahaha wak hahahaha... Of course; we have to control ourselves not to humiliate them.

We took that opportunity to talk about crabs, lobsters, prawns and shrimps. Their differences and similarity.